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  • soniclaserworks

20.05.22- IFAKs and NVG Mounts

To try and spread my circle of assistance I asked a friend to get me in touch with volunteers she may know. After a short while I got a message asking for night vision mounts and IFAKs for a specialized squad. I had just saved up some money and was able to supply these requested items all on my own.

While I was putting the package together and gathering all the necessary materials, russia sent missiles at peaceful Ukrainian cities celebrating Orthodox Easter (April 24). In Odessa alone, 18 were wounded and 5 killed, including a three month old baby and her mother. My family and friends spent their Easter under air raid sirens. While the package was in transit Lviv was hit by missiles again. The volunteer I was in touch with was unharmed but was close enough to see the missile land.

This is the reality of life in Ukraine. Everyone lives under constant threat and tomorrow is never a given. Civilians in every part of the country are in danger of missile strikes or air bombings, not to mention ones living close to the front lines or in occupied territory.

The package successfully made it to its destination and was distributed to the squad. Many more such packages are required to supply the Ukrainians fighting for their freedom and defending their home from atrocities carried out by russians. Once again, every cent counts.

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