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Aid Report- 56th Separate Motor-Rifle Brigade

Some of the members of he 56th SMRB

In mid-October we were reffered to a contact that works with the 56th Separate Motor-Rifle Bridage (56 окрема мотострілецька бригада). The unit has been through some hot spots and heavy fighting, and participated in the liberation of Kharkiv and Kherson. The letter listing the aid requested focused primarily on warm weather gear such as boots and fleece jackets, and some tactical equipment.

At the time it was just starting to get cold with some nights dropping below freezing. That made their request extremely time sensitive, because the longer we wait the colder it will get and the harder it will be to find adequate equipment for everyone. We immediately started collecting funds for the equipment they requested. It was decided that all profits we receive now will be directed to the aid of this unit; we also started looking for gear and warm clothing donations in Chicago so we can ship it in the coming weeks.

About a month later, on 13 November, we sent $1,330 to the unit representative. After a discussion with his team, he let us know that the soldiers decided they can go without new boots and warm gear a little longer and would rather purchase a vehicle. Their exact words were "No new boots can help hiking 15-30km daily to reach our mission objectives."

Vehicles on the front lines are both very expendable and absolutely necessary to expedite advancement and save lives. They can be used to evacuate casualties, transport gear and supplies, and move soldiers in a timely fashion without exhausting them physically. Vehicles are also the first thing targeted in combat since they are a larger target that can be spotted easier. Given the russian's lack of morals or care for the rules of engagement, ambulances and medical vehicles are the first ones to be targeted, so there is a constant need for new trucks on the front lines.

On 29 November we were able to send another $620, for a grand total of $1,950 sent to the 56th SMRB since receiving their request. The fundraiser for this unit will continue indefinitely. One could say "until their needs have been met" but there will always be a need until the day of our victory. As such, the 56th will now be one of our permanent beneficiaries. You can donate right on our website or by purchasing something from our store.

As of writing this article, due to lack of affordable trucks in good quality, the funds are being used for a generator and drones. Once the items have been received and made it to their destination on the front lines we will post an update.

We appreciate everyone's patience with the delays in publishing these reports and updates. All information gets verified, and we let some time pass before we publish any photos (even censored ones) to make sure no sensitive information is revealed that could hurt our soldiers.

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